
Pancake Breakfast – Friday, December 20

On the morning of Friday, December 20th, we will be having a pancake breakfast in the gymnasium for all students at Clinton School. Bring a toonie as a donation for the breakfast.  There will be three sittings for breakfast. The schedule of approximate times and classes attending are as follows:

Time Classes Participating:
9:05 – 9:35 Ms. Benson
Mrs. Enchelmaier
Ms. Ellis
Mrs. Grant
Ms. Cheung
Ms. Parmar / Ms. Daniel
Ms. Chang
9:40 – 10:10 Ms. Gabas
Ms. Eng
Ms. Toor
Mr. Spink
Mrs. Wong
Ms. Khoo
10:15 – 10:45 Mr. Weisbom
Ms. Cheuk
Mrs. Vieira / Ms. McCarthy
Ms. Minhas

Recess will be 10:45 – 11:05 am for everyone on December 20th.

*** IMPORTANT*** We have a gluten free/ plant based option for pancake breakfast for celiac’s, egg-free, vegan or dairy free requests.  Please email PAC (clintonpac.sd41@gmail.com) with your child’s name and teacher/division asap if your child requires a separate breakfast option due to allergies.


Your help would be greatly appreciated during this festive event.

We need hands:

Thursday – December 19 to clear out the concert rentals, set up the breakfast tables and decorate.

Friday – December 20 to assist with the breakfast and cleanup

Please email Clinton PAC at clintonpac.sd41@gmail.com if you are able to volunteer.